NGO in Mamit, Mizoram – NGO’s List

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Find the most comprehensive list of NGO in Mamit, situated in Mizoram. Mamit has an 85757 population and an area of 2967 km², There are more than one registered NGO in Mamit, Mizoram, India. All the NGOs here in this list are Registered in Mizoram. If you find any false information in this list, please report us with NGO details. Also, If you’re an NGO worker then you can list your NGO in Mamit list by filling out the form at

List of NGO in Mamit, Mizoram

If you’re looking for a reputable organization that can help you with your education, health, poverty, unemployment, etc. You’ll want to look into the many NGOs in Mamit that offer as per your need.

Rengdil Branch Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl

Registration No & City: No 5 Of 1977, Rengdil
Address:Mhip Rengdil Branch Rengdil Mamit
Cause:Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Education & Literacy, Children, Aged/Elderly